Shorthand is any arrangement of fast penmanship which can be utilized to decipher the talked word. Shorthand frameworks utilize an assortment of strategies including disentangling existing letters or characters and utilizing uncommon images to speak to phonemes, words and expressions
Shorthand Overview
Most customary shorthand frameworks utilize a phonetic portrayal of a word instead of the way it is spelt. English spelling has 50 discourse sounds and 26 letters to speak to them.
Here are the issues you will confront learning image based shorthand. In the first place, every single shorthand framework in view of relegating a novel diagram to a particular word and require an extremely impressive time to retain a huge number of blueprints. Second, countless blueprints request consistent practice every day to recollect all remembered images including the ones you haven't utilized however you may utilize them later on. Third, contingent upon the frame and thickness of images it may mean distinctive importance and translation regularly speaks to an issue. Fourth, image based shorthand frameworks can't be utilized with a PC.
To compensate for the missing images, a few letters are frequently consolidated to speak to a sound. This wouldn't be so troublesome if a consistency could be set up. For example, the "sh" sound can be spelt in various ways: facial, beyond any doubt, she, benefits, issue, commission, station.
The vowel letters can be spelt in different ways. The "oo" sound has a wide range of spellings: hill, delicious, a piece of information, troupe, organic product, through, move, charmed, troops, overflow, new, ailment, demonstrate, journey, toe, two, spoon, too. In the event that every English word are checked, there are 28 unique spellings for each solid, or more than 1,100 approaches to spelling 40 sounds.
Composing phonetically lessens the quantity of images per word yet requires quite a while to learn a huge number of frameworks. Likewise, phonetically-based shorthand can be just perused by the individual who composed the images and data trade is impossible effectively.
A concise history of shorthand frameworks
As far back as the innovation of composing recorders have utilized different systems to empower them to take notes rapidly and proficiently.
The Ancient Egyptians concocted two scripts, Hieratic and Demotic, as contrasting options to their intricate Hieroglyphic script, which was utilized mostly for stupendous engravings. Both Hieratic and Demotic chipped away at indistinguishable standards from the Hieroglyphs yet the images were significantly disentangled.
Amid the fourth century BC, the Greeks concocted various image frameworks which decreased letters to a solitary stroke and which could likewise be utilized to speak to normal words, postfixes and prefixes. Such frameworks are for the most part alluded to as stenography (tight written work), bronchography (short composition) or tachygraphy (quick composition). Their motivation was to make composing more reduced or potentially quicker.
One shorthand framework well known with the Romans was Tironian Notes or Notae Tironianae, which was imagined by Cicero's secretary Tiro keeping in mind the end goal to record Cicero's addresses. It utilized a blend of rearranged letters and exceptional images and was utilized as a part of Europe in different structures until the Middle Ages.
Amid the Han Dynasty (207BC - 220AD) the Chinese concocted two strategies for fast written work known as xÃngshÅ« (running script) and căoshÅ« (draft script). In the Running script, a portion of the strokes that make up characters are joined and others are forgotten. In the Draft script, each character is composed with a solitary nonstop stroke and there is significant variety in how this is finished. Accordingly, the Draft script is extremely hard to peruse without unique preparing. Endeavours have been made to institutionalise the way the characters are composed in the Draft script however they have not met with mainstream praise.
Notable features
Pitman is phonetic: it records the hints of discourse as opposed to the spelling. For instance, the sound [f] in shape, elephant and harsh is composed similarly for each word.
Vowel sounds are discretionary and are composed with little dabs, dashes or different shapes by the principle strokes. This builds composting speed in light of the fact that most words can be distinguished from their consonants as it were.
The thickness, length and position of the strokes are all critical.
There are numerous uncommon contractions and different traps to expand composing speed.
The record for quick composition with Pitman shorthand is 350 wpm amid a two-minute test by Nathan Behrin in 1922.
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